How to teach your Preschool Kid About Women’s Day

Have you seen the advertisement where parents and society tell their boys not cry? The video specifically shows a mother asking her son if he was a “Girl” just because he was crying on the first day of school. The video presents a strong message towards the end- “Boys do not make girls cry!”. The message is for parents to teach their children, both boys and girls, at a young age, to respect women everywhere. Women’s Day is a day to mark this, on the calendar and to our memory. 

Women play so many roles in our lives. She’s a mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, and colleague. That is why we dedicate one entire day just for them and call it Women’s Day. This special day is celebrated globally on March 8 every year is to honor, respect, and commemorate the role of the women in our lives, both at work and at home.

We as grown-ups know that. But, what about our kids? Are we teaching them the importance of this day as we should? Or, are we just spending it like any other day? If you chose the second option, it’s time you took a step forward and act now so that your child is able to recognize women as equals rather than oppressed. Again, you think, “How do I do that?” Well, you do not have to worry because here are some tips that can help you teach your kids the importance of Women’s Day. Let us read on.


Begin with how the day came to be


When you tell your child about Women’s Day, their inquisitive minds will make them ask you why this day is celebrated. Now, when this happens, you are presented with a great opportunity to teach your kid without having to force them, because- well they asked. So sit with them, and if possible add some illustrations to make it fun and start explaining how the day came to be.

Tell them tales of great women in history


A great way to make your kid understand the importance of Women’s Day is to bring forth examples of inspirational women who made a difference and mark in human history. Tell them stories about Florence Nightingale, Rani Laxmi Bai, Malala Yousafzai and many such female personalities who fought for their cause, coming out successful and more bolder than ever.

Set an example for them


Be an example for your child because you are their first teacher and idol. They will pick up everything that you do or say. So, if you want to teach your child the importance of Women’s Day and why women must be honored and cherished, then you must do it first. This advice is not just for the dads but mums as well. There are so many instances today where a woman is much ahead in disrespecting other women. Well as women it is our responsibility to stand united and that is an important lesson that your child must learn.

Show them a movie


There are numerous Disney animations that portray women empowerment like Mulan, Moana, Pocahontas, and Brave. Play any of such animation or movie for your kid(s) every now and then and slowly they will grasp the hidden meaning as they grow older. You can help their little minds grow by giving small inputs about women empowerment every now and then.

When you lay a solid foundation of love, humility, and respect for your kids, you can expect them to grow up to be fine gentlemen and ladies. The four tips outlined above are excellent ways to talk to your kids without having to force them to sit and listen to you. It will be them asking and wanting to learn from you instead.  

A grand birthday, after all!

So, every year when Women’s Day approaches, your child will be eager to make this day special for their mother, grandma, or sister just as it was a grand birthday. You can be assured that this day will remain a tradition in your child’s lives and their children’s as well. The next generation brings hopes of a better world and because you made an effort as a parent, your child will make a difference. And teaching your kids the importance of Women’s day is a great start. Happy Women’s Day to all women around the world.

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