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Ways To Teach Your Child Humility

Humility is an important trait that children should inculcate right from the beginning. A lot can be determined based on the environment in which the child grows. Special emphasis on traits like these is needed to educate the child in terms of emotional quotient and characteristics also.

Here are some ways in which humility can be taught to kids:

  • Practising and not preaching

Parents should practice humility in such a way that their kids can learn through example and not have vague ideas of being humble. If kids learn humility through a live demonstration from their parents, they won’t make mistakes.

  • Inculcating the value

The value of being humble should be inculcated in kids in such a way that they stay humble and do not misbehave in front of others. Parents should advise their kids to be humble in front of others and not boast or misbehave with peers.

  • Admitting your mistakes shall not make you small

Kids should be taught that it takes a lot of courage to admit their mistakes and face the consequences. And those who accept their mistakes and apologize for the same have completed a certain level of humility.


  • Respecting others for their views and perspectives

Kids should be taught to respect others for their views and perspectives. They should be made to understand that one cannot acquire all knowledge and be next to God. That is why it is important to gain knowledge from others and pass on your knowledge to them as well. For example, learning to respect teachers and authority figures is an important part of growing up. On a more fundamental level, it helps to build respect for peers and work together.

  • Attitude is not a healthy virtue

Kids should not confuse between self-esteem and attitude. The difference between both of these should be clarified. They should be made to understand that there are others who may be better than them in knowledge or aptitude and that everyone is unique in their talent and knowledge. A proper understanding of respect includes an understanding of attitude and its fallacies. An undisciplined or disruptive student in the class, however bright they may be, lacks a fundamental understanding of this concept. It then becomes necessary to communicate this fact and work together with the teacher and parents to fix it.


  • Source of values

Kids should be taught that real values are staying simple and being humble. Money, house, clothes, or luxury are all temporary and shall not value a person. The real barometer of measuring a person’s value is their simplicity and humility. Staying grounded or down to earth is the helping factor in the long run. An example could be narrating multiple incidents/stories wherein values like these are professed. Multiple values can be absorbed by also regulating the kind of content that a child is consuming, as there is a very direct impact of the same.

  • Stories of Noble Laureates

This is one more source of inculcating humility in kids. They should listen to stories of Laureates like Subhash Chandra Bose, Mother Teresa, Jesus, Rabindranath Tagore, and other such noble individuals who changed the heritage of different parts of the world through their services provided to mankind.

  • Servitude

Just like Laureates served the entire mankind, kids should also be taught to serve the needy at various time periods. They should serve the poor or needy by donating them with old clothes in good condition, old vernacular books, grocery, and other such basic needs.


  • Saying sorry, thank you, and acknowledging others


Kids should be taught to thank others when they are gifted with something, apologize when they make a blunder or mistake, as well as acknowledge others efforts or contribution in their work. Like acknowledging their friends or peers for an assignment they have worked together. Also, acknowledging their teacher for her assistance in the same.

  • Be Thankful

Kids should be taught to be thankful to God and their parents for all they have got. This involves praying in the morning, before having meals, and before going to sleep at night. Being thankful for all sources is also a form of humility. Kids are taught to thank everyone they meet in the school to inculcate thankfulness in them for all the facilities and support they receive.



These are some of the ways in which one can inculcate or inject the value of humility in kids. Character traits like these go on a long way to shape the personality of children and their inculcation right from the start, creates a solid foundation for the child.

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