How to Teach Pronouns in Fun way

How To Teach Pronoun For Kids In Fun Ways?

It might seem an arduous task to teach pronoun for kids. But it doesn’t need to be. There are many pronoun activities and games to help teach kids their pronouns.

 What Are Pronouns?

A pronoun is a word that can be used instead of a noun. Most children may be unconsciously aware of pronouns by using them in their speech.

 Personal Pronouns

These are of two kinds:

  • Subject pronouns

They are names of people, places, animals, and things. Examples are ‘You’, ‘I’, ‘she’, ‘ he’, ‘we’, ‘ it’,’ they’, and ‘you’.

  • Object pronouns

They are used instead of objects in sentences. Examples are ‘them’, ‘us’,’ her’, ‘him’, ‘you’, and ‘me’.

 Possessive Pronouns

These are used to indicate ownership.

Examples are- ‘theirs’, ‘ours’, ‘his’, ‘hers’, ‘yours’, and ‘mine’.

 Relative Pronouns

They work to connect sentences.

Examples are- ‘that’, ‘which’, ‘who’.

 Indefinite Pronouns

They are used when one is not referring to any specific ‘thing’ or ‘person’.

Examples are- ‘few’, ‘many’, ‘everyone’, ‘each’, ‘any’, ‘another’, ‘all’.

 Demonstrative Pronouns

These indicate things far or near a person.

Examples are ‘those’, ‘that’, ‘these’, ‘this’

 Interrogative Pronouns

Used for asking questions.

Examples are – ‘whose’, ‘what, ‘which’, ’whom’, and ‘who’.


Fun Activities To Learn Pronouns

The following are some fun pronoun games:

  • Treasure hunt

Hide some pictures in a room and hand some pronouns to the children. They will be asked to unearth pictures to match the pronouns. For example, the kids must find the pictures of a man, woman, or animal to match ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘it.’

  • Jumping game

This is a popular game for kids as they love to jump. You must write various pronouns on various mats. Now tell the kids sentences containing some pronouns. The children should jump on the mat that carries the pronoun corresponding with each sentence.

  • Pronoun quiz

There are plenty of quizzes on pronouns on the net, like: ‘complete sentences with pronouns,’ identify ‘plural’ and ‘singular’ pronouns, or ‘classify pronouns.’ Using such quizzes, you can design worksheets on your own.

  • Concentration

This is both a word as well as a memory game. First, arrange picture cards and pronoun cards. They must correspond to each other like ‘he’ for a picture of a boy and ‘it’ for that of an apple. Ten pictures of pronouns cards must be kept for ten pronoun cards.

The class must be divided into two groups. The cards must be kept face down on the table. Every player must turn over 2 cards. In case the pronoun card matches the picture card, they must be left face-up. If not, keep them back in the old position.

Kids must try to remember the location of specific cards such that they can match the maximum when it is their turn. That team will win, which has first got the maximum cards overturned.

  • Pronoun resources

These include printable worksheets and pronoun posters that can be accessed online. Posters will not only carry all the examples of kinds of pronouns but also serve as work banks for ready reference.

  • Hates and Loves

Another fun activity to practice object and subject pronouns is encouraging kids to identify what they hate and love. Divide students into pairs and write some categories on a board like kind of drink, television shows, animal, kind of music, book, place, food, song, movie, etc.

Every student must work on his own and write at least one item for each category about what he loves or hates. Next, let them work with partners. Now, let each person ask the partner questions like- ‘How do you like rock music?’ The partner replies using a pronoun, like- ‘I hate it. It is too loud’. Students learn to use pronouns by asking questions about hate and love and answering these suitably.

In sum, these are some great ways to teach kids to use pronouns in the English language. Correct use of pronouns is a basic skill for kids in a beginner writing and reading program.


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