Baby girl using laptop

How to Raise a happy Kid in the Digital Age

It has always been a task for parents to raise their kids into a balanced, conscientious, successful, and happy person. But today, in the digital era, parents are at their wit’s ends with media and technology taking over everyone’s lives. Furthermore, considering the risks that accompany it like cyberbullying, sexting, and cyber predators, simple parenting tips are no more the go-to for parents. Instead, what every parent wants to know is “How can I raise my child right in this digital age, without being intrusive?”.

Tips to Raise a Kid in the Digital Age

Technology is going to grow whether we like it or not. Banning kids from technology would only make matters worse. The next generation is always more tech-savvy and they will find a way around any barrier we put in front of them. Instead, the key is for parents to not let this growing technology control their kids without being too strict. So, here are a few tips that can help you take your kids out of the grasps of technology.
Lead by Example
Where do you think your kid first learnt about mobile devices from? Well, there isn’t much researching to do here, because the finger only points to you. Yes, it’s you. Parents may nag their children about being too clingy to their devices, as much as they please. It will only make a difference when parents own up to their own tech habits and make a change. “Practice what you preach”. Instead of always being on the phone make time to do stuff together with your kids after you get home rather than plugging in the TV and spending time alone. Children always like “parent time”. So, make a change now before it’s too late.
Stop Yelling, Start Talking
Freaking out and yelling at your kids for watching inappropriate content (recent being the Momo Challenge) on their phones or laptop can make a rather negative impact on your kids. Furthermore installing blockers and filters for every application on their devices can create a sense of false security in them. At some point in time, you will suffocate them and push them away from you. They will also sink further into their shell, thus shunning any hopes of future communication. The wiser option is to be mindful, and calm whenever such discovery occurs. This will not happen in a day and you need to be prepared for it much beforehand. Talk to your child and explain to them why some content on the internet are not appropriate for them. Give them examples, tell them a story, and explain how they can instead channel the use of technology to do productive things instead.
Plan Outings every Weekend
Weekends should be a time when you can unwind from all the work stress. So, why not plan an outing like a picnic, a sports event, or a short trip with your family. Children today spend more time playing video games indoors rather than participating in outdoor activities. Hence, it is has become necessary to pull them out of their mechanical state and introduce them to nature, which can give their well-being a boost. Plan a sports activity like a trek, football, cricket or anything else, so that they can have something to look forward to every weekend. You want your child to be less drawn towards technology- spend some quality time with them.
Instill the Values of Self-Worth
Be it Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat everyone measures their self-worth based on the likes, follows or comments from people whom we hardly know. Children too are catching up with this trend in their early years, which is not a healthy habit and can lead to depression and anxiety. Children are fast learners, and you can teach them the values of self-worth by constantly reminding them that they are uniquely different from everyone else and loved by their near and dear ones. Encourage their skills and hobbies, which can give them a sense of accomplishment in their own way.
Raising a child in the digital age is not that difficult if parents are ready to put in their efforts. Children will only stay aloof as long as you are unable to spend time with them. So, foster your connection with them at an early age, and always be
open to them and their thoughts. The rest will all just fall into place.


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  • Debolina
    Posted at 04:54h, 15 April Reply

    Life is not a binary. Its always a balance. With young kids – letting them free to addictive experiences is bad. Denying them is also bad – it creates curiosity and binging when they do get access. Further, they grow up without the benefits of internet. eg world class content.

    Best to moderate the usage and make it feel like learning device and not a gaming device.
    Digital babysitting needs to evolve to quality – non addictive experiences.

  • Krishnendu Das
    Posted at 03:05h, 29 June Reply

    Dear, your article helpful and nice informative Thanks for shear

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