Tips to Help your Kids Beat the Summer Heat and Enjoy


Aditi was having the time of her life. Summer was its peak, which meant that she had a hard time with the kids. Every morning was the same, with her son blocking the door with all his limbs, screaming at the top of his voice, “I don’t want to go to school, it’s too hot. No. No. No.” As for the afternoons, which was after school hours, Aditi had to actually drag her son in and stop him from going out into the sun, lest he suffered a stroke. Every time, she was not looking, her son tried snooping out and every time she was on her toes running after him.

The summer heat is annoying and all the more reason to stay inside our homes under the comfort and coolness of our air conditioners and fans. But, with children, this scenario just does not fit in right and the reason is simple. Children have a different mindset from ours, which is why come rain or sun, they still want to explore the outdoors. 

On the other hand, as parents, we tend to be protective of our child/children’s wellbeing. That is why, as soon as summer sets in, parents try their best to least expose them to the heat of the sun. But, how long can this go on? You cannot keep them inside for the entire season expecting them to entertain themselves with colouring books and video games. 

It can be quite a troubling situation because as parents we only want the best for our kids and their happiness is on top priority. So, to help your kids enjoy the summer months with more zeal, especially when vacations are ahead, here are some fun activities and tips that can help you beat the summer heat. Summer does not have to be a boring and frustrating season anymore, because there is a lot of fun waiting for your child. 

Fun Activities for Kids During Summer

  • Make some Lemonade:


Summers are incomplete without some yummy lemonade to cool off. So, it’s time for parents to get behind the cooking wheel and teach your kids to make some lemonade. You, as a parent, can do all the cutting and slicing work while your kid(s) can help you squeeze the juice out of the fruit. Add the rest of the ingredients that make the lemonade yummy and leave it in the fridge to cool down. Later you can all sit down to a tasty glass of lemonade, or you can invite your kid’s friends over for a summer party. If you want, you could also arrange for a lemonade stand for your kids, so that they can sell some of the drink and earn some pocket money. This will make them realize the value of money and hard work as well. 


  • Build an Indoor Fort:

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Kids can get bored with video games and mobile phones after a while (yes they can), especially if these are the only mode of entertainment left. So, instead of leaving them on their own, brooding about what to do next, you could call them together and plan this DIY project. Get ready with your pencils, scissors, cardboard, and some old unwanted sheets to get started with. Ask your children to pitch in their ideas for building a simple indoor fort and start implementing them on paper. Once the basic idea is created, start snipping, shaping, and joining the cardboard as required, with the help of some tiny hands. Once the fort is ready, you can pretend war or just sit inside it with your kids and read them some stories to while away time. 


  • Take them to a Library or Museum to explore:



Summer vacation is a good time for taking your kids out on a personal exploration trip. Yes, maybe they might have been to a museum with the school, but the trip becomes more interesting when it’s personal. So, arrange a trip with your little ones to the museum and walk them through history or take them to the library and let them explore their choice of the author in the kid’s section.


  • Make some healthy ice-creams:


Ice-creams complete the equation for a hot summer day. There are many ice-cream recipes on the internet and many of them a kid-friendly. So, you can get your little one to join in too. Especially, if you are planning a lemonade party, ice-cream can also be a part of the menu. If you want you can add some natural ingredients and make them healthy. 


  • Visit a waterpark:



Waterparks are a good way to escape the summer heat. If the waterpark is too far from where you live, or if you have a big lawn you can build your own waterslide in the backyard. Just ensure that you stay close by to ensure that mishaps do not happen.


  • Go on a mini vacation:


Add a memory to your kid’s summer vacation by taking them away to a cooler place nearby. Plan the trip with the entire family seated together and maybe let your kids choose the place. It could be a one-week affair or just a weekend, it will be a time to remember for a lifetime and a vacation your kids will enjoy this summer. 

Health tips to keep close-by

Irrespective of all the fun activities that you do with your kids this summer there are some precautions to take care of so that their health is not affected. Some of these health tips are as follows-

  • Keep your kids hydrated with water, fresh juices, natural fruit juices like coconut water or any other types of refreshments. This is necessary because children are going to sweat a lot doing the activities and they need to replenish the fluids. Even if your child is playing in the pool, you should know that they dehydrate more than normal, even if we cannot see them sweating.
  • Keep your little one(s) away from direct sunlight, especially during the peak hours of 12 pm -4 pm. Try to engage them, as much as possible, in indoor activities during this time. If you want to perform any recreational outdoor activities with your kids, evenings are the best choice.
  • Don’t allow your kids to eat too much junk food like pizza, pasta, or burgers. Instead, encourage them to eat more fruits like Instead go for fresh fruits like watermelon, kiwis, apples, or muskmelons that can also help your children rehydrate.
  • Keep your children’s meals light and frequent.
  • Ensure that your kids do not toggle between hot and cold foods too frequently or they might catch a cold. 

Summer holds a lot of opportunities for fun activities with your little ones that can help them survive all through the season. Try the tips above and see your little one jump with joy whenever you ask them to participate. Nevertheless, also keep the health tips close to the heart so that your child stays healthy as well.


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Shveta Berry
[email protected]

I am a mom blogger who is primarily trying to create awareness and bring a perspective on motherhood struggles, issues of parenting and life of a mother in general. I get fascinated by researching, learning and sharing about the best ways to develop a child. My Instagram blog gives me a space to connect with all like-minded parents and share my views and knowledge on parenting, postpartum life, pregnancy care, and child development.

1 Comment
  • Surbhi Jha
    Posted at 06:00h, 10 August Reply

    I have small kids at my home and in vacations, they are unstoppable to outdoors. I see this blog very useful and found some new activities and ideas to keep them engaging and cheerful for the whole summer season.
    Really liked this article!

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