OckyPocky Global Speech Contest 2022

The OckyPocky Global Speech Contest 2022 was a tremendous success and wrapped up excitingly with a thrilling competition between the finalists. The contest gave a global platform to young and talented students to showcase their English Speaking skills and compete with the best.

The excitement around the contest grew rapidly and we were overwhelmed with 100s of entries. After spending numerous hours, our judges finally decided on the top 7 entries from each age group for competing at the Finals!

The contest was live-streamed on Facebook and got hundreds of viewers in no time! 

Announcing the awesome winners below – 

The entire team at OckyPocky is proud to host the success of one of its most competitive global contests– the OckyPocky Global Speech Contest. The event concluded on the 6th of January, 2022, and featured finalists from India and other countries performing LIVE from the safety of their homes. 

While every child showed immense enthusiasm and confidence throughout their performance, we witnessed some outstanding performances from winners below:

Age group: (4-7)years

1st Position: Kushagra Goel, Punjab
2nd Position: Hardik Chaudhary, Bihar
Consolation: Aaditya, Delhi

Age group: (8-11)years

1st Position: Kabeer Sharma, Delhi
Consolation: Javin Shah, Delhi
Consolation: Lavanya Ahuja, Delhi 

Age group: (12-14+) years

1st Position: Muskan, Delhi
2nd Position: Sushmithaa AP Ramesh, Johor
3rd Position: Aditya Sharma, Delhi

All the winners were awarded prizes and certificates.

Keep inspiring our little champions and rise and shine.

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