Fun Ways to Celebrate Ram Navami with Kids

Despite the fact that Anjali was married into the city, she was glad that her children, Arya and Anant, were always close to their cultural roots. She had her mother-in-law to thank, especially because Anjali was always caught up with the busy city work life. Hailing from a small village in India, Anjali was terrified that her children might miss out on special things that she had experienced as a child. She remembered how she cherished the morning aartis with the family gathered around the temple and the lovely evenings she spent with her grandmother listening to stories from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. But, in the present day, her fears are put to rest, because her sons were the exact reflection of what she was as a child. Now, with Ram Navami approaching on April 14, she had made up her mind to celebrate it with her kids in full vigour.

In India, Ram Navami commemorates the birthday of Lord Ram, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In many households, children grow up with stories from the Ramayana, an epic that is believed to instil qualities of courage, love, sacrifice, and humility among the young generation. So this Ram Navami, make the day special for your kids by doing the fun things we have listed for you below.

Arrange a Play from the Ramayana

Call up all your friends and invite them and their kids to organize a small play for your kids on Ram Navami. Since it’s always the kids performing at school or events at home, this time make the parents do the roleplay while the children sit and watch. IT’s alright even if you forget the lines or stumble once in a while. Your kids will love seeing you perform and also learn that making mistakes is a part of life. Furthermore, they get to spend some time and share some giggles with you. That would be a lifetime of memories for them to hold dear.

Host a Ramayana Costume Themed Party

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Do you remember yourself when you were a child and there was a costume competition? Wasn’t it a wonderful experience to be able to dress up like a grown-up for once and feel unique? Your child is going to feel the same way too. Again, now that you have friends and family over, also remind all of them to keep Ramayana inspired outfits for the kids at hand for a small costume party in the end. You can accentuate your child’s look by adding on some accessories like a cardboard bow and arrow so that they can actually feel what it was like to be Lord Ram or even Hanuman.

Craft some Greeting Cards

Lord Ram was the epitome of love and humility, which is why card making must make its way into the fun activities for the day. You can do this one day before the celebrations. Get some colours and sketch pens out of the closet and sit with your child or roll on the floor to start crafting. You can cut out the shapes of the cards while your kid paints his/her imagination on it (Ram Navami inspired, of course). In the end, you can encourage your child to write down a sweet message to wrap up. Leave your cards to dry overnight and get ready to pass them on to loved ones the next day.

Revisualize Lord Ram’s Journey to Sri Lanka


The journey of Lord Ram from India to Sri Lanka, to rescue Sita is an exciting story for your little one. However, it can become more visual if they could actually bring their imagination to life. Don’t worry, you do not have to travel to Sri Lanka to do this activity. All you need are-

  • A map
  • A pair of scissors; and
  • Some Legos

Cut out the outline of India and Sri Lanka and place them on the floor just as they are supposed to be. Now take the legos and place a figure of two human legos (representing Lord Ram and Lakshman) on the Indian map and two on the map of Sri Lanka (Representing Sita and Raavan). As you explain the story of how Lord Ram rescued Sita, place some lego blocks in between the maps and show your child how they actually completed the mission. Your child will have the day of his/her life. They might even show this to their friends.

We, OckyPocky are also celebrating Ram Navami in the most interactive and fun way. Meet Lord Rama, Ganesha and Goddess Sita and learn everything about the festival on our First Words section. It will be truly unforgettable for your little one! Learn with 300,000+ kids about Ram Navami and more, download the OckyPocky app

If you liked this article, do read about how to explain the cultural significance of Baisakhi – the great harvest festival to your little one!


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