time management

Steps To Creating A Successful Baby Routine

I remember the days when my baby was just a few months old and I was a wreck. Scattered room, not getting time to eat and take bath properly were part of the everyday story.

I can have a good laugh about it now but it was the most terrible time in my motherhood journey as a new first-time mother.

Gradually, I realized that I need to have a proper routine which needs to be followed religiously and things will start falling into place.

The main benefits of having a routine are:

  •    Your child gets better body regulation- from eating time to regular winding downtime
  •    The transitions during growth are easier
  •    Empowers toddler to be independent and establishes healthy habits
  •    And it good for parents too! Who doesn’t want to wrap up on time?
  •    With predictability, little ones feel safe.

Working moms, SAHMs, moms doing work from home have their own set of schedule ideas according to their convenience and working hours.

There are few general tips which can help you to plan out a successful schedule.

In starting days, the baby’s schedule should be the priority:

When we talk about steps to creating a successful baby routine, this is the most important point to be taken care of.

For a couple of weeks, you would have to encourage baby to follow the required schedule. Slowly his or her patterns will set the one that works.

Make this process a high priority for a few starting weeks. Avoid vacation which can deviate baby from routine, meals on the go or pushing nap time, etc.

Once a pattern for sleeping, feeding, and playing is established, it is unlikely to undo the habits. So, try to keep the schedule consistent. Other things can wait!

Teaching the difference between night and day

Help your baby learn to understand the significance of night and day. It is the key step while getting into a workable routine.

During the day time, keep your house bright and you can do the exact opposite at night. Try to keep the house dim and quiet in the evening time. Avoid talking much to your baby throughout night feedings. This will let him earn that nights are for sleeping and daytime is for socialization

When starting out, put your baby’s schedule first

If you are training your baby to adapt to a schedule then observe the patterns to figure out something that works. Make this process one of the top priorities at least for 2-3 weeks. Avoid planning any vacations or pushing nap times.

Once a schedule is established, small changes around you are unlikely to undo his sleeping and feeding habits. But it’s in the best of your and baby’s interest to keep the schedule consistent as much as possible.


Plan an early bedtime routine

The easiest and successful bedtime routine is the one which you and your baby can depend on night after night.

You can’t force it in the first few months, but you can start practicing at around 2 months.

Consistency is key to a successful bedtime routine. Keep the routine as simple as possible

Fresh night clothes, feeding and lights-out are the essentials.

By 3 or 4 months, you may start putting the baby down awake after getting him in a pacified mood. This is how they start learning to sleep on their own.

Here’s another tip. The routine should take about 20 minutes to 30 minutes ma else the baby may become over stimulated. You will start from square one.

Try reading baby cues

It takes time and patience to learn about baby needs.

Slowly, you see patterns emerging over time and you develop ‘Instincts’ after learning about baby’s temperament. And if you start noticing naps, feedings, playtime, you can easily come up with a suitable timetable.

Expect changes during growth time and adjust the schedule

When development shifts happen, so does the baby’s schedule. It may feel like as soon as the baby has got into the groove, you need to change the plan. With growth, babies play time increases, nap time reduces, they start having solids more.

So, you are not the only one to feel that. It happens to all and the only solution is to be ready for it

Please don’t expect perfection. You are human. So is the little one

Some parents expect perfection when they set a schedule. While you are planning a consistency, life happens. Vacations, meetings, guests, weather changes, plans with family and friends, etc are unavoidable in your life with baby. So, a bit of variation will be there but you have nothing to get scared of until your little one gets food, love, and sleep.

Do you like our tips or have more ideas which can do wonders for a mommy struggling to get routine straight and set? Leave a reply below. We would love you to share.

About Shweta Berry


I am a mom blogger who is primarily trying to create awareness and bring a perspective on motherhood struggles, issues of parenting and life of a mother in general.
I get fascinated by researching, learning and sharing about the best ways to develop a child.
My Instagram blog  berrylicious.me gives me a space to connect with all like-minded parents and share my views and knowledge on parenting, postpartum life, pregnancy care, and child development.


Shveta Berry
[email protected]

I am a mom blogger who is primarily trying to create awareness and bring a perspective on motherhood struggles, issues of parenting and life of a mother in general. I get fascinated by researching, learning and sharing about the best ways to develop a child. My Instagram blog berrylicious.me gives me a space to connect with all like-minded parents and share my views and knowledge on parenting, postpartum life, pregnancy care, and child development.

1 Comment
  • alisha threja
    Posted at 12:15h, 01 June Reply

    This blog is immensely helpful for new mothers. My niece is just a month old and my sister has been worrying about her routine because she is working in a company and she has to join again after the maternity leave by next month. I’ll surely share this blog with her so that it makes her task bit easier. Thankyou OckyPocky. Looking forward to more such content.

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