Rain, Rain, Go Away- Childhood Monsoon Memories and More

Rain, Rain, Go Away – Childhood Monsoon Memories and More

I clearly remember my childhood, when the rains poured down heavily and I had nothing to do except play with my dolls. I kept looking out of the window, wishing for it to stop. I just wanted to go out and run around or play make-believe games with my friends. As a child, I was tired of the gloomy weather.

I guess my mother sensed my boredom and as any mother would, out of love, she held me in her arms and taught me this song. She sang to me and told me if I sang it, the rain would listen and stop. Here is how the old version of the poem was-

“Rain, Rain go away

Little Johnny wants to play,

Rain, rain, go to Spain

Never show your face again.”

Ever since, till I grew up, I always sang this song whenever it rained.  Today, when it rains and my daughter sits around gloomily around the house I sing her the same song. However, with time there have been many changes made to the poem, all the better so that children can enjoy it. 

Meaning of the Nursery rhyme

There isn’t a doubt that rainy days are as beautiful as any other season. But, for children, it can be pretty restricting, unless they really love the weather or are allowed to play in the rain. While both cases are very rare, there have to be other options to keep your child occupied. 

The nursery rhyme, “Rain, rain, go away” is special because when such situations come up, kids get cranky and the song can give them hope for a sunny day. But, how did the nursery rhyme come into being? Here’s a story your child would love to hear.

The original lyrics for the nursery rhyme, “Rain rain go away” has been predicted to date back to the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), one of the English Tudor monarchs. During this period, Spain and England were under the shadow of constant rivalry which resulted in the launch of the Spanish Armada in 1588. 

Due to the rivalry, the Spanish Armada was sent to invade England along with many Spanish galleons. The Spanish Armada was led by Duke of Medina Sedonia and they led with a fleet of over 130 ships. 

On the other hand, the English fleet led by Admiral Lord Howard totaled 34 small Navy vessels and 163 armed merchant ships. Despite this difference in number, the great Spanish Armada still faced defeat, resulting in only 65 Spanish galleons and 10,000 men returning to Spain. 

It is said the defeat was caused due to the swift nature of the smaller English ships and especially the stormy weather of England, which scattered the Armada fleet. 

Hence, this how the nursery rhyme “Rain rain go away” found its origin and is now sung by almost every household and child around the globe.

As you narrate the story to your child, try acting out the scenes, making up some of the dialogues and singing the songs wherever you find it fit. Your little one is going to have a memory to cherish for a lifetime and a great learning experience on a rainy day.

Rain, Rain, Go Away Lyrics

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

Daddy wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

Mommy wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

Brother wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

Sister wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

Baby wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, go away.

Come again another day.

All the family wants to play.

Rain, rain, go away.


In the simplest terms, nursery rhymes are an interesting tool to enhance early memory development in children and prime them to be receptive to the schooling experience. A lot of things that are repeated in childhood tend to stay with us for the longest time. Which is why, even if you don’t use nursery rhymes on a daily basis, if you come across a small kid, you will automatically begin to teach him one. That is the power of learning things early in life since they get embedded in your memory and stay there for long.

OckyPocky understands this importance and hence has different versions available on its app for children to enjoy on a rainy day. Try out our app today if you have run out of all options of fun this monsoon.

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