How NASA Astronaut Karen Nyberg Parents From Outer Space

How NASA Astronaut Karen Nyberg Parents From Outer Space
Being a mother is the most precious experience in the world, won’t you agree? There is this new life that is entirely dependent on you for their every need and trusts you unconditionally. This is what makes it for most mothers to even resume their offices after the maternity leave. How can you leave your child like that and go?
But, there are some mothers who not only do this but do this in such a beautiful manner that they become an inspiration for their families and others as well. Doing your work and leaving your child for a bit, need not be the guilt trip it is made out to be, by people around it.
A great example of a mother who has got this right is NASA astronaut from the USA, Karen Nyberg. Yes, she is a veteran astronaut who has gone not just to any regular office, but the international space station, twice! The first visit was a short one – for 14 days. However, her second stay at the International Space Station was for six months, and her son was only 3 years old at the time.
In a now famous article on the subject, Karen Nyberg opens up about how she managed to fulfil her duties as a parent along with fulfilling her duties as an astronaut.

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The one thing she highlights is the belief that her parents had in her, instilling the confidence needed to carry out anything she sets her mind on. She tells the interviewer that her parents never stopped her from doing anything she wanted – choir, sports, band – you name it and she has done it, with full support from her parents.
The next and essential point she makes is that she never let her son feel left out and alienated from what was going to happen. Instead, she spoke to him about it and involved him in the process. She showed him pictures of the space station, the position in the sky and kept telling him where mommy will be spending her time. This discussion ensured there was no negativity about the event of her leaving or not being available for her son for some time.

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Of course, she had to rely on the services of a nanny in the duration to bring stability for her son, but they were both partners and in it together. She even took her son to Kazakhstan for the launch, where her husband joined them and brought their son back home.
Even during her stay at the International Space Station, Karen Nyberg documented her daily life – right from the food she was eating to the views she was seeing – and shared them with her son Jack. She would have video chats with him and show him what mommy was doing, making him feel a part of her life at the station very much.
Her passion for her job and her husband’s for his, have inspired Jack to find his passion. He wants to be a race car driver when he grows up. Although it is a career filled with dangers and scary for a parent, Karen hasn’t outright rejected her son’s wishes. She remembers the belief, her parents showed in her and wants to keep the tradition going.
There are several essential parenting lessons in Karen’s inspirational story, especially for new moms who are always torn between doing their best for the baby and keeping up with the jobs that they love so much without feeling guilty
Let your child follow their heart and try their hands at anything they want. Involving them in the decision-making process helps them grow into well-rounded individuals
Involve your children into your day to day activities and make them a part of your life. They can be your biggest supporters when you need them to.
Keep your kids involved with your life as well and keep them involved with your work life as well. Be proud of your work and let your kids know about the amazing work you are doing every day to ensure that they are living a healthy lifestyle.

Shveta Berry
[email protected]

I am a mom blogger who is primarily trying to create awareness and bring a perspective on motherhood struggles, issues of parenting and life of a mother in general. I get fascinated by researching, learning and sharing about the best ways to develop a child. My Instagram blog gives me a space to connect with all like-minded parents and share my views and knowledge on parenting, postpartum life, pregnancy care, and child development.

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