A Look Into The Four Kinds Of Sentences in English

The Four Main Types of Sentences in English

A sentence is the basic building block of the English language. A sentence is a
group of words that express a total idea. A complete sentence should have a
minimum of a single predicate and subject, which are vital components of an
independent clause. Subjects and predicates are vital aspects of sentences.

A subject is the first piece of information and includes a noun. The predicate
expands on that information and contains a phrase or verb. A sentence that is
complete begins with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark, like a
question mark, exclamation point, or a simple period.

Sentence structure
Types of sentences in English depend on the kind of sentence structure,
among other things.
In English, there are 4 various kinds of sentence structures: simple, compound,
complex, and compound-complex. They are as follows:
  • Simple – It contains a subject and a predicate. It conveys a complete
    thought like an independent clause. It does not feature subordinate or
    dependant clauses.
  • Compound- It is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses
    that are joined by either a word like a conjunction or semicolon. In simple
    terms, it links two simple sentences.
  • Complex: It is a sentence with one dependant clause (subordinate clause)
    and an independent clause (main clause). It is linked by either comma or
    subordinating conjunctions such as’ if’, ‘how’, and ‘when’.
  • Compound-complex: It comprises of at least 3 clauses- 2 independent
    clauses and 1 or more dependant clauses. Thus, there is linking between
    compound and complex sentences.

How many kinds of sentences are in English?
There are four main kinds of sentences in English. They are differentiated by
their objective:

  • Declarative: Statement
  • Interrogative: Question
  • Imperative: command
  • Exclamative: exclamation

What are the 4 kinds of sentences with examples?

Declarative sentences
They are the most basic kinds of sentences. Their objective is to convey
information and is punctuated using a period. Basic statements are made by declarative sentences. Examples of types of declarative sentences are as follows:

  • Simple sentences: I love ice cream.
  • Compound sentences: We plan to visit Rome and spend a day at the
  • Complex sentences: John found a new home and so commutes by train to
  • Compound-complex: Though the waitress took a long to serve, she was
    courteous and the food was delicious.

It can be noted that such sentences make statements, whether opinions or facts.
These sentences can be any tense, so long as they convey information. They are
also the most common types of sentences in English. 

Interrogative sentences

They interrogate or ask questions. In contrast to declarative sentence types,
they are punctuated with a question mark.

  • Some of the types of sentences examples include:
  • Simple sentence: Why does the earth rotate?
  • Compound sentence: Why is the person here and what does she want?
  • Complex sentence: Can you alert me when it is time to leave?
  • Compound-complex: Jane stayed back, and John moved to London, but is
    their divorce official?

Several interrogative sentences begin with question words like why or how.
However, some are no/yes questions that start with the verb in place of the
noun. But such sentences still need a verb and noun for completion.

Exclamatory sentences

They convey strong emotions. They are like declarative sentences in providing
information, but they end up in exclamation points in place of periods.

  • Simple: How well she dances!
  • Compound: Amy thought she wouldn’t gain admission in Harvard, but she
    has got accepted!
  • Complex: We can begin the party when Matt arrives!
    Exclamatory sentences are best when they are short, but they can also assume
    the form of compound-complex sentences:
  • Because you wrote such wonderful books and inspired me to be a writer, I
    am dedicating my book to you!

Such sentences are utilized in written dialogue or casual conversation to express
emotion, but they are avoided in formal or academic writing.

Imperative sentences

They ask someone to do something. They can be in the form of forceful
commands, friendly advice, or basic instructions. Most end in periods, but in
some cases, they end in exclamation marks to convey strong emotion.
Examples of simple ones are: 

  • Turn left at the corner.
  • Stop irritating me!


  • Keep the phone away and listen carefully to me.
  • Give the baby his bottle since he has finished playing.
  • Don’t forget to pack your things and give me a call, even if you are busy.

An imperative sentence can be identified easily since it seems to miss a subject.
But the command is directed towards you, rendering such sentences as using
second-person. The subject may be omitted, but it implies that you understood
since the reader is aware that every such sentence can be framed as ‘you do
that’ or ‘you do this.’
In sum, these are the 4 types of sentences in English. The types of
sentences in English are helpful in your writing skills if there is clear usage and
correct understanding of the same. If you are seeking to improve the language
skills of your child in English, you must contact ockypocky.com, which is an
expert in English language teaching.

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