OckyPocky Stree Shakti Awards : Celebrating Super Women on Women’s Day

Women can dream it and do it even better than what was imagined!

This Women’s Day we take great pleasure in awarding the norm-breakers, self-starters with OckyPocky Stree Shakti Awards.

Lopamudra Bannerjee – Founder World of WOW Fitness 

In her dictionary, there is no can’t. She battled with rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disorders at an early age but this didn’t stop her from becoming the most sought-after health coach in India.  Previously clocking a 9-to- 5 job,  she decided to enter into the fitness industry when she was chosen for the Gladrags Mrs. India contest. Her acquaintance with other participants opened her mind to new perspectives which challenged her to step out of her comfort zone. She made up her mind to be fit, healthy and be comfortable in her body. After Mrs. India, she decided to get into fitness full time. World of WOW Fitness was established in the year 2016 to expand her reach and to help as many women across all ages. 

When asked why she does what she does, the mom of a teenager replied with a smile- ‘Good health is priceless, if I am helping someone achieve that even in the smallest manner, the satisfaction is immeasurable.’

Sakshi Talwar-Co-Founder of Rugs and Beyond

Who says women can’t do it all?

A techpreneur by profession, an artist by passion, a gifted writer and a philanthropist at heart. Sakshi Talwar is the Co-Founder of Rugs and Beyond– an e-commerce venture selling one of a kind handmade rugs while empowering local weavers and craftsmen in rural India. She is very passionate about uplifting women and underprivileged. It was because of this mission at heart, she moved from New York to India. Her work speaks in volumes as she was felicitated as “An iconic woman contributing for a better tomorrow” by the WEF.

A firm supporter of women empowerment, she recently led a delegation of women entrepreneurs in conjunction with the US and Indian Government with engagements with World Bank, Harvard, MIT.

She also writes for global publications like the New York Times. She advises young women on “discovering and following your true passion”.

A gem of advice, don’t you think?

Sapana Vibhandik – Founder GoMama247

When Google can’t help you with what you are looking for?  What do you do? It’s simple! You turn the tables around and become an expert on what you were looking for. That’s the indomitable spirit of Sapana Vibhandik, founder of GoMama247.

During her first pregnancy, she had struggled a lot to get genuine health-related guidance. The online resources were not reliable and adequately content-driven back then. This experience made her come up with a life-changing decision to start her well-researched pregnancy blog GoMama247 in 2014. She shared her own Belly Only Pregnancy experiences, which is uncommon in India but healthy for both the mom and the baby. She adopted natural and healthy ways to be fit and followed a healthy diet to cope up with pregnancy challenges. Staying fit after her two pregnancies gave her vision and confidence to inspire many Indian expectant and new moms later through her blog.   Jump to now, GoMama247 is a major destination for Indian parents which is supported by her YouTube channel with devoted viewers.
Today on Women’s Day, she deserves all applause on being a thought-leader and in creating a treasure trove of experiences and information.

Pooja Verma, CoFounder – Whisskers 

She was working in a most sought-after company where millions dream of working – Google. But she quit early at the prime of her corporate career – to do her own thing and be a rockstar at it.  Meet Pooja Verma, an Ex-Googler, who inspired by her enterprising parents started Whisskers – a one-stop for all things digital. A mom of two hyperactive kids, she has managed to juggle multiple hats while helping hundreds of clients build their brands online.  A truly deserving winner of Digital Women Awards 2018, this mompreneur has also trained over 10,000 students who are now working with prestigious organisations in the field. Intrigued by this multitasker, we asked her what recharges her every day so she can bring her best to work?

She replied, “my kids”.

A salute to this superwoman and super mother!  





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