ockypocky happy kids


Not all classrooms have four walls.

A good friend of mine is into floriculture. He invited us over and I said yes in an instant!  (lush green farms, rustic lifestyle et al made it irresistible to say yes).

Roses , marigold  and gladiolus laid in rows were a treat to the eyes. From drip irrigation and tube wells to powerful tractors roaring through the farmlands – Aarav, my 3 year old, had the learning experience of a lifetime!

Like any other kid, he was amazed when I introduced him to glow worms, butterflies, scarecrows and cow dung cakes.



My little champ was running here and there when the inevitable happened. He fell down and got his first cowboy bruises.

We were many miles away from the nearest doctor and had no medication in the vicinity either. I was quick to realise what we had around us was far more potent than any doctor’s prescription, the greatest healer of them all – mother nature.

I picked a few marigold leaves, crushed them and applied the mixture over Aarav’s wound. Within minutes Aarav was was relieved of his acute pain and back to his chirpy self! (yayy!!)

[Doctors 0 I Mother Nature 1]

Aarav : ‘Mumma!!!  “Spirit” hurts, but it made me all better. Its sooo goooddd!’

I just smiled and told him about the medicinal  properties of plants & herbs like “tulsi “, “aloe  vera “, “fennel seeds” and so on.

Aarav listened attentively.

It’s amazing how experiences shared together create a lifetime of memories for both of us! Whenever Aarav gets hurt now, he prefers to apply marigold leaves juice rather than  “dettol”. He’s not just wiser, but also a much stronger kid now.

This shared incident brought us close to nature. It was no less than “Buddhas “enlightenment for my kiddo and the best thing – the experience  would stay with us for a lifetime!

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